15 Photoreal Animated Caustics Textures

TotalTexturesV15:R2–“ToonTextures”isacollectionoftoonandstylisedtexturesforuseinappropriatescenes.Thehand-craftedtexturesarecategorised ...,前一段时间3DTOTAL发布了这个系列的最后一部贴图集CD15,于是这部宏伟的贴图集终于划上了完美的句号。下面为大家...。參考影片的文章的如下:


3D TOTAL Archives

Total Textures V15:R2 – “Toon Textures” is a collection of toon and stylised textures for use in appropriate scenes. The hand-crafted textures are categorised ...



Total Textures v1

Welcome to 3D Total Textures Vol 1. A collection of image maps designed for texturing geometry in 3D Applications. All image maps have been obtained from ...

3d Total Textures - Vol 15: Toon

3d Total Textures – Vol 15: Toon · 1/ Check on “I'm not a robot” · 2/ Click on “Click here to continue” · 3/ Wait 10 seconds · 4/ Click on “Get Links”.

22G 三维纹理材质贴图大合集3D Total texture 1

【资源简介】 这套文字贴图共有19 DVD约22G大小:3D Total texture 1-19 DVD bundle 含丰富的高品质的内容:人类,生物,外星球纹理,建筑,环境,科幻, ...

Total Textures 19

供應中 The Total Textures 19-pack Bundle contains all 19 packs in the Total Textures collection. Ranging from human, creature and alien textures through to building, ...

3D Total Textures Vols 1

3DTotalTexturesVols1-15模型貼圖素材合輯版(DVD9版)(模型貼圖素材軟體)內容說明:3DTotal系列可以說是CG3D愛好者必備的一系列素材,MAX原格式,PSD格式,還有相關素材 ...

Total Materials Vol.15: Toon Textures

This Total Materials Vol.15: Toon Texture contains 374 individual Materials, comprising of over 800 individual, hand-crafted texture maps.

【3D贴图】《高质量3D贴图》(Total Textures Vol 01

Total Textures的这一套贴图是具有很高素质的,在国外受到很多CG作家和爱好者的好评。前一段时间3DTOTAL发布了这个系列的最后一部贴图集CD15,于是这部宏伟 ...

3DTotal Texture Pack – Vol 1 to 15 | CG,3D,VFX

This enormously improved version of the original texture collection now contains 188 individual Materials, comprising of over 1300 individual, ...


TotalTexturesV15:R2–“ToonTextures”isacollectionoftoonandstylisedtexturesforuseinappropriatescenes.Thehand-craftedtexturesarecategorised ...,前一段时间3DTOTAL发布了这个系列的最后一部贴图集CD15,于是这部宏伟的贴图集终于划上了完美的句号。下面为大家献上我搜集到的1~15全套CD。做成了2DVD,容量8.33GB,Welcometo3DTotalTexturesVol1.Acollectionofimagemapsdesignedfortexturinggeometryin3DApplications.Allim...